Thursday, October 20, 2011

Over the pillows and waiting..

Yup I know that position all to well! Daddy and I are both traveling all day today, and I will be doing so with a sore and slightly bruised bum... it was a long week last week with lessons for both of us. I got a firm reminder last night, 25 hard strokes of the cane with my bum pushed up over the pillows.
Afterwords we talked and cuddled and made up form the night before! It was a very nice evening!!!


  1. Wow, that sounds awful...hope your bum heals up soon. I've never been caned:).


  2. Kitty,
    Lucky you, although the cane is not the worse implement we have. Daddy can make a strapping with his belt hurt much worse then any caning, and then there is the dreaded red paddle... And my bum healed up just fine :) ..... PS Canes are much quieter the most other implements
